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Showing posts with label economics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economics. Show all posts


Dirty Clothing Industry Exposed: From Sweatshop Slaves to Extreme Pricing

Kevin D.
Alright hey folks I’m back with another blog and what I want to be discussing with my beloved bloggers today is a very serious and very important issue in the world and in our community. And a lot of people miss this big issue on a daily basis, especially the everyday person who’s caught up in . ~Materialism. That being stated, it is now to diverge into exactly what I am talking about

Of course, some of you may already be familiar that I’m gonna call out Americans because many musicians, artists, and religious people do not want to discuss this issue. I’ve really seen only a handful of artists even talk about this stuff and the reason why your local pastor or these big mega preachers will not talk about this is because many of them are too caught up in themselves and their own image rather than helping the people of God. I am very serious when it comes life and the liberty of other people...So let's get started -

Every year, Americans purchase clothing from the biggest brand names to contribute to an industry which halls in millions of revenue yearly based off simple branding. It is up for discussion whether or not the clothing to the right is actually fashionable to some or not. However, these are stern-cold facts that can't be denied that the clothing they sell is big business. Even Gucci Group's official website states it right here.
Now what strikes me as odd, and this is purely my opinion but I am concerned how less creativity is put into making fashion. A billion dollar corporation such as Levi Strauss Co. can really just stamp their brand name and a number and it works for them. Truly, it is the catchy allure that attracts millions to the clothing racks and this is complete proof of how human beings are truly lost in insecurity and iniquity by sucking into materialistic corporate giants of today with Abercrombie, Aeropostale, Diamond Supply, etc.

The majority of consumers do not even know where these major clothing lines receive their supply. The average American is willing to give money to the major corporations every year around Christmas, but the people are ignorant to the truth and the struggle which occurs behind closed doors. The majority of clothes is not produced in factories where workers agree to the working conditions and are given minimum wage by law. And this happens on a daily basis! But news and politicians will never discuss this because they operate behind closed doors. There’s a massive sweatshop slavery in small villages and countries such as India, Vietnam, and China. Why do you think when you look at your shirt and it says “Made in Vietnam” instead of “Made in America” ? Because the threads manufacturing system is controlled by a few and operated by high level witches and warlocks who have sold their soul to through participation in mass corporate fraud

A funny thing about it is, the so called truth movement does not even speak on this issue because they are more caught up in the “symbolism” or “illuminati” rather than the conditions of underaged workers and the fact that the majority of them are in fact minorities who design cloth for below minimum wage. It’s truly intoxicating to know that “citizens” in America are more concerned to expose illuminati Music Artists year after year and never elevate to higher ground to try and reach out to these people, why? Because pastors do not speak on this. Their too busy with the rules, than life.

Now don’t get me wrong, I like looking nice. Presentation plays an important role because you wouldn’t want to wear a torn up shirt and crocks if you’re gonna meet an important person. I know I would iron my nicest shirt and wear khakis or black pants but the difference is that you know where the clothing comes from and you have a limit. Life is about balance. You cannot keep supporting these major clothing tyrants by shopping at the mall every year, but then again who the heck shops at the mall anymore lol. Do you care what others say about it? Not even your daughters or son, for we are to obey God, not man. So I believe it is very important to take a stand and stop giving into the evil corporations because let me tell you something; Monsanto is no different than Diamond Supply Co. And Lying to your mom is no different than punching your wife in the face and raping her. Point said? Sin is sin and if you look for the truth, it will show you people the way, as we were created to do so. Anyways, check out links on freeform, sweatshop-free clothing you can buy online, what we can do about this issue, etc. And um.. if you can’t afford it man, just know where you stand in this. I realize money is an issue. Remember balance the equation, don’t go and spend your whole day trying to buy a shirt when you don’t need one and don’t worry to much about how you look like or if your wife will be mad at you for the clothes you wear. We really doesn’t mind dressing like this or that, as long as it doesn’t become an idol or cross dressing. Be blessed y’all, I’m out!~Amen.


Should women refrain from wearing skin tight clothes? yes

Okay so let's get several things straight,

  • No I am not sexist, I talk about everybody. This includes my own race (Mexicans) and my own gender (Men)
  • Yeah I understand if you have thinking problems
    • So if you are bipolar and schizophrenic
    • Not evening knowing who you are
    • Please, por favor don't waste your time
    • Nor waste my time on here
    • But otherwise, onto reading. 

Alright you know that leggings and all has been cultivated into our society and more and more people seem to think this is acceptable. And it’s not, and the reason why I say that is because I have proof, scripture, and resources to back up my points because if you’ve seen my videos before y’all already know I come prepared. I ain’t about to let no goofy nigga try to tell me I’m wrong with their false info when I know God doesn’t like girls doing this crap and it’s been placed in my heart by God to talk about this. So you already know the new fashion trends we’ve been seeing in the 2010’s. All kinds of stuff man, skinny jeans, big glasses, etcetera etcetera. Okay we get that but what’s up with the skin tight “pants” that females be wearing nowadays? And yes, I’m talking about when you walk down the street nowadays, or you’re strolling the hallways at school, I promise half of the females walking your direction are wearing nothing but leggings. Now I don't know about you but, me personally, I believe it looks kind of trashy. And it's not like I see her as easy prey or like someone insecure of themselves. It's not necessarily that but it's just an alluring and deceitful fad that, of course, many of the worldly males will support. Now tell me this, answer my question… would y’all like it if you had a daughter, and she was parading at school with her friends, (Now notice this: all of her friends are dressed promiscuously wearing pencil skirts and All, which is "wear" your daughter probably got that idea from, haha) But next thing you know, the dude standing around them gets an idea of trying to lay with her because it appears like she is still fragile and young. Where does he get those ideas from ? His male friends and then he decides to try and score with her later. Okay, so he talks to her on the bus, emotions pick up, and yeah she thinks he's a nice guy. Typical teen relationship stuff, I know you parents reading probably think that but look what I'm about to explain is that anything can happen. So the next thing you know he’s ending up trying to "cop a feel" and seduce her quietly. Now of course, I'm not saying all women need to just act extra defensive and beat the guy up, because after all some people are meant to be married and that's their private business, but if this dude is not worth it, don't you think that he's contemplating banging her all over the bed that you bought her to slept in? Because I exquisitely know that I would, and I'm just being honest. What normal human being doesn't like connections? But these aren't the connections built on moral principles from the messiah, Jesus Christ, these are demonic feelings and cursed emotions that's introducing your daughter to said situation. Worst case scenario, however. But that's why you parents need to focus on what your child follows and what specific entity he or she is learning from. It's just the truth, for God knows what your daughter or son may be thinking of.

Okay, okay I know "that escalated quickly" but still.. Don't you think that these new forms of fashion such as jeggings and the carefully designed leggins that celebrities promote are brainwashing our youth into thinking that wearing a thin layer of cloth around your butt is "cool" ? Am I the only one taking a stand out of tough love at say age 16, after witnessing my own peers, or will someone else go out there and speak the truth just like all my other blogs? Yay or nay, I see through it. God may bless you bruh~