Beats for your Pleasure

Showing posts with label Too much makeup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Too much makeup. Show all posts


Television is causing women to become paranoid

You need to watch out for these women in America because all they do is watch TV. It's sad, because women are naturally followers, so when they consume that garbage called the "tell-LIE-vision" they are really getting brainwashed! No joke, that's why the majority of these women that you will meet in this satanic environment called America are so full of themselves. It's because they literally don't have the real truth! Note: I'm not saying all women are like this, but a good majority of women in the States have been straight up robbed of their intelligence and/or common sense.

I know you might be thinking: Well, what does this have to do with fashion? The answer is almost everything. Think about it, that's why women are dressed pretty terribly. This is not even about fashion sense neither, but a LOT of women also dress straight up trashy. Yeah that's correct, I'm being honest because this is the TRUTH and not many people are willing to stand up for the truth. Men nowadays are something called BETA males and they're not real men anymore. They don't want to stand up for their women and are too afraid to call them out on it. But if no one else will, then I will. It's that simple...

So in other words my friends, television will cause your woman to start seeking validation and becoming extremely paranoid about little things. It's the big picture that she cannot see. TV literally rots your brain and that's why plenty of women now have a bad attitude! Peace, and let me know what you all think of this in the comments


Make-Up Has Destroyed Women's Looks + Minds

       Good morning, people. I appreciate all of the comments and replies on this blog, however, It should be noted that I only accept REAL comments and I will save only the real followers of God's TRUTH to certain posts.

It's an addiction
Now, on to my topic, I always want the best for the people. I just wanna say that I hope more and more souls read this.
     In my opinion, makeup is unnecessary and it should not be used except for business meetings or important events, but even so it should be used lightly. I think that these cosmetics hurt women's natural beauty and after years of wearing it, the girl or woman who put this stuff on can't even be herself anymore. Why's that ?

It's a curse from God to have your mind destroyed/ Did you all know that when you have sex over and over you can change your facial structure? It's pretty weird but this is actually true. Just look at how the world's finest celebrities don't look all that pretty without makeup. I'm being honest, now we all know Salma Hayek is a pretty woman. I like Salma, because she stands up for the hard-working immigrants. But let's be honest, she is no special outliner when it comes to the spotlight star game.

This stuff is sad man, because in the oldschool days in the 1800's you never saw women wearing makeup.
She looks destroyed without makeup on
When you look at the world, you see these stars living the fast lane but the don't look good at all when they aren't wearing fake hair extensions and weave. Another thing to add is that women of our generation are even teaching their children how to wear makeup or allowing their daughters to put this crap on... That shows how shallow we have become in these times.

The video below is one from a female truth speaker named Randaesha, check out her YouTube page.

I'm disappointed man, I don't think little kids as young as 5 years old need to wear make up. Little kids need to learn how to defend themselves from bullies in school, how to make food, and learn about the God in the King James Bible. I don't care if you think I'm obsessed with the bible or I'm defending the bible,

You better scroll down, I'd rather be hated on for being honest and backing God up than be a stupid fool and burn in hell. It's very real bruh. Girls nowadays are wearing makeup and it's turning them into Satan's dolls. Did u know that Satan has a list of people who follow him and he assigns demons to a certain child so the demons can torment them and haunt their life with curses? I bet you didn't know that. It's crazy stuff bro. I hope that people stop wearing makeup.

A little bit of lipstick is fine, and even mascara looks good to me but when it's unnatural looking that is just too much.